Sunday, April 1, 2012

Rita's Introduction to Tricks of the Trade for PMs

Sunday, April 1, 2012
Szerintem erdemes ezzel kezdeni. De elotte par szot Ritarol. Rita Mulcahy (Mul-kay-he), PMP, was the President and founder of RMC Project Management, Inc., a world-renowned project management author, trainer and speaker. Sajnos lassan ket eve mar, hogy nincs kozottunk. 2010 majus 15-en ezt irta Rick A. Morris a Project Management That Works oldalan:

"I just got the sad news. Rita Mulcahy, pioneer of the industry and the best selling project manager of all time passed away.... Like many of you, I was certified through Rita's breakthrough learning system for the PMP. There are others that do it now and many more options available. However, she was truly the pioneer...  She was a fascinating woman who really loved what she did. She is an inspiration to us all. RIP Rita, from the thousands of people you helped worldwide."

Akkor most jojjon Rita.


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